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About Us

The name Acrovescent [a-kro-veh'-snt] means “rising to the top.” At Acrovescent, we help our clients gain a competitive edge by pairing friendly, partner-led customer service with the knowledge and experience found in leading consulting firms. Whether your business requires an external skill set, a fresh perspective, or a trusted business adviser, Acrovescent can help.

Kimberly Snover
Principal, Business Consultant

Kimberly Snover is a founding member of Acrovescent Consulting. Ms. Snover brings more than twenty years of experience in business strategy, marketing and operations. She is a former management consultant and marketing leader for professional services firm Deloitte. Ms. Snover is a seasoned entrepreneur and web developer who has built and sold several web-based businesses. Kimberly holds a bachelor's degree from Princeton University (Economics) and a master's degree from Harvard University (Computer Science).

Miguel Ortega-Morales
Principal, Technical Consultant

Miguel Ortega-Morales is a software developer and engineer with thirty years of experience across various platforms including aeronautics and robotics. Mr. Ortega works directly with clients on technical research, systems design and software development. He is a graduate of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) (M.Sc & Engineer's Degree, Aeronautical Engineering). Mr. Ortega is fluent in C++, Java, Visual Basic, Fortran and MATLAB and speaks English, Spanish, Catalan and French.

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